
Näak ist deine Ernährung auf der Strecke bei der UTMB World Series.

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Trainieren Sie mit dem Treibstoff, den Sie an jeder Verpflegungsstation der UTMB World Series-Events finden. Dieses Paket enthält die beste Sporternährung und Flüssigkeitszufuhr von Näak Ultra Energy™, um Ihnen dabei zu helfen, Ihren Ultra zu stärken.


Made for ultra-distance athletes, Näak Ultra Energy™ provides you with a complete nutrition to help you go longer and farther with no gastro-intestinal discomfort.


The UTMB Pack includes:

- 1 Ultra Energy™ Drink Mix bag
- 12 Ultra Energy™ bars
- 12 Ultra Energy™ waffles

    Fuel your ultra distance: Made for racing ultras with no sugar crash.

    No gastro-intestinal discomfort: Get all your calories in liquid and solid form.

    Complete nutrition: Combines the benefits of liquid and solid nutrition.

    No flavour fatigue: Get a mix of flavours.

    When to use graph

    Aim for 300 to 350 calories per hour depending on the intensity and the race conditions.

    Wird von Ultra-Distanzsportlern verwendet

    Alle unsere Produkte werden im Näak Lab Hand in Hand mit Spitzensportlern entwickelt. Unsere Mission ist es, den effizientesten und nachhaltigsten Kraftstoff für Ultradistanzsportarten zu entwickeln. Heute verlassen sich Tausende von Profi- und Amateursportlern auf der ganzen Welt auf Näak, um neue Spielfelder zu erkunden und das körperlich Mögliche neu zu definieren.

    Von der Wissenschaft unterstützt

    Die Näak Ultra Energy™-Wissenschaft wurde entwickelt, um den spezifischen Bedürfnissen von Ultra-Distanzsportlern gerecht zu werden. Die Idee ist einfach: Die Einnahme einiger weniger Makronährstoffe wie Kohlenhydrate und Elektrolyte reicht nicht aus, um Ultradistanzen zu bewältigen. Nach ein paar Stunden Anstrengung benötigen Sie einen umfassenden Ernährungsansatz, um weiterzukommen.

    Häufig gestellte Fragen

    How should you use Näak Ultra Energy™ Drink Mix?

    It is recommended to consume one serving (72g) of Näak Ultra Energy™ Drink Mix in 500-750ml of water per hour depending on the intensity of the exercise and the weather conditions (heat and humidity).

    What are BCAAs used for?

    Consuming BCAAs during a long endurance effort helps to limit muscle fatigue and the risk of cramps.

    How well is the protein digested during exercise?

    Protein, if provided in controlled quantities and in an optimized form, does not pose any digestion problems during exercise. At Näak, we use plant-based protein isolates that have been concentrated to facilitate their absorption.

    Why are electrolytes important?

    Protein, if provided in controlled quantities and in an optimized form, does not pose any digestion problems during exercise. At Näak, we use plant-based protein isolates that have been concentrated to facilitate their absorption.

    Can you fuel up only on Näak Drink Mix?

    A mix of dextrose, which is a simple sugar very quickly absorbed and converted into energy, and maltodextrin, which allows a slightly slower diffusion over time. The oats bring a more complex sugar which will be digested more slowly and will allow a very long duration energy.

    Can you fuel up only on Näak Drink Mix?

    Näak Ultra Energy™ Drink Mix was developed to provide you with all the nutrients you need during an ultra, especially when solid products are no longer available. You can take it alone or with other Näak products.

    Teilen Sie Ihre Näak-Erfahrungen unter @naakbars und erhalten Sie eine Chance, vorgestellt zu werden.

    Customer Reviews

    Based on 11 reviews
    Chloe P. (Rosheim, FR)

    Great pack, with everything you need

    Kevin S. (Amsterdam, NL)
    Not enough carbs and poor variety

    This is a perfect example of a corporate money grab. They put together an average product, slapped a sales pitch on it with some marketing hype of added "protein", payed money to UTMB to be the exclusive nutrition provider, and now athletes have to suffer from it. Who thought that stroopwafels would be the ideal type of food to carry around on a 24 hour run? They are like concrete in the cold and I don't care what they say they crumble. The bars are like eating a block of moist chalk. I couldn't even finish the one I had and gave up. The worst part is that in order to get 60 grams of carbs per hour, you end up consuming more than 500 calories because of all the protein and fat in these bars. No one's digestive system can handle that. The powder was the only thing that saved this package from being a complete waste of money.

    These might be suitable for a 200 mile multi day run where consuming some fat and protein might be helpful, but for 24 hour runs these are far from my first choice. I'll be carrying all of my own nutrition during my UTMB events.

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