
Näak is your on-course nutrition at UTMB World Series.

Every purchase you make creates positive change.

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The Näak Sustainability The Näak Sustainability

Restoring the forest, one tree at a time

The problem

Wildfires have become increasingly common across Canada causing devastation to natural ecosystems and posing significant threats to our communities.

Certified Corporation

We plant 1 tree for every online order

At Näak, we want to ensure every purchase you make creates positive change for our planet and people. We're committed to address this issue by helping reforest post-wildfire sites in Canada. With your support, we will help the local communities rebuild their livelihoods, while also aiding in the recovery of the environment and wildlife. Join us in our journey to nurture the planet and be a part of the solution. It's a story of small actions, adding up to a big change.⁠

The long-term impact

  • Sustainable Protein
    Sequester carbon Helping to mitigate climate change
  • Responsible Sourcing
    Support communities Help local communities rebuild their livelihoods
  • Upcycled ingredients
    Restore biodiversity Recover wildlife and ecosystems
  • Carbon Neutral
    Improve water retention Reduce the risk of flooding
  • Sustainable Packaging
    Improve human health By improving air quality
  • Bcorp
    Prevent soil erosionCreate a natural barrier against erosion
The Mission

Planting site basics

• Planting Site: Cariboo, British Columbia
• Country: Canada
• Forest Type: Rainforest
• Planting Partners: Veritree

What Trees Are We Planting?

A variety of species will be planted, including Douglas-fir, lodgepole pine, Ponderosa pine, hybrid spruce, and western larch. With your support, we will help to restore the soil, damaged from burn scars and erosion. The damaged ecosystems will be given a new chance to thrive. The goal of this project is to establish a forest through assisted natural regeneration. With this hard work, the local communities will be able to rebuild their livelihoods and their futures.

Sustainable Packaging
Upcycled ingredients

Where Are We Planting?

The trees are planted in the Cariboo region, nestled between the Cariboo Mountains to the east and the Coast Mountains to the west. In recent years, this area was devastated by wildfires. The series of wildfires blazed through over 1.3 million hectares of land. The fire reached heights and temperatures intense enough to kill the forest, scarring the soil. Local wildlife’s habitat and food sources were heavily affected, and Indigenous communities also lost their traditional hunting range and food sources, with their way of life threatened.

Who are we planting the trees with?

We’ve partnered with veritree, a data-driven, restorative platform that connects mission-driven companies with verified tree planting projects to restore our planet. With on-the-ground monitoring and blockchain verification, veritree improves transparency and trust through data and tools that revitalize ecosystems, strengthen communities, and build climate solutions. Through this partnership, we ensure the right trees are planted in the right place and the trees, once planted, are staying on the ground as intended.

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion

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