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Les 7 produits que vous devez connaître pour votre IRONMAN

What you eat while you race is just as important as how you’re training. 

Looking for a race-day fuel to get better results for your next IRONMAN? You’ve come to the right place.

Here are our top 7 sport nutrition products that are being used by professional triathletes on the IRONMAN distance.

1. Skratch Labs Sport hydration drink mix

Replaces the electrolytes lost in sweat using real fruit for flavor. It contains 16mg of naturally occurring caffeine per 16fl oz. It is also non-GMO, gluten free, dairy free, vegan and kosher.

Skratch Labs energy drink


2. Clif energy gel

Light tasting and refreshing. Provides quick energy (24g of carbs and 90g of electrolytes) with ingredients that are 90% organic.

Clif energy gel

3. Nuun Performance

Gives you electrolytes and carbohydrates precisely balanced to hydrate you better during long or strenuous effort.

Nuun performance orange mango

4. Naak energy bar

Made with all-natural ingredients, the Naak bargives you a sustainable energy with 28g of carbs and a boost of electrolytes with 190mg of sodium coming from sea salt. It is well-balanced with 6g of proteins coming from crickets; one of the most sustainable protein source on earth. Finally, its date-based texture makes it easy to chew and absorb on race-day.

Näak energy bar cricket powered

5. Rekarb energy syrup

Excellent and efficient carbohydrate source Antioxydants exclusively found in maple syrup.

Rekarb energy syrup

6. Fruit 2 - Orange Energy fruit bar

All natural and made with vegan ingredients, this small compact bar is rapidly and easily absorbed and provides you with a 25g carbohydrate intake.

Fruit 2 Orange Energy fruit bar

7. Gu Energy Chew Strawbery

Created for competition, the chews contain 23g of carbohydrates and 50g of sodium to keep you fueled while delaying bonking by sparing your glycogen stores.

Gu energy chews strawbery

Now, let's practice! Before using them during your races, try them during your trainings to make sure your stomach and body react well. Then stay focused on your plan, and no matter how eager you are to cross the finish line, don’t skip water pit stops to keep hydrated.

Do you know any other sport nutrition products you think we should had to the list?

Click here to try our ultra energy bar! 

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