
Näak est votre nutrition sur le parcours de l'UTMB World Series.

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Florent Beaufils is an ultra traileur and ultra designer. He designed the design of our latest Ultra Energy Drink Mixes. We were happy to interview Flo for the launch of the drink mixes in France.

L’athlète française marque l’histoire du trail en Septembre 2020 en établissant le premier record du monde féminin de dénivelé en 24 heures, parvenant à cumuler 16 572 m de D+, ce qui correspond à la quatrième performance (connue) de tous les temps, derrière trois hommes (Aurélien Dunand-Pallaz, Patrick Bohard et Luca Manfredi). Elle a parcouru 278 montées-descentes (520 m de long, 60 m D+) soit 144 km sur cette journée entière d’efforts. Découvrez son parcours atypique et sa tentative de battre le record du monde masculin de dénivelé positif en 24 heures.

Unsurprisingly, the distribution or ratios of nutrients will affect your body’s functioning and performance. This is because, although all the nutrients are interconnected, the breakdown products of these nutrients have different efficiencies in providing your body energy. 

Athletes often hear the 4:1 carbohydrate:protein ratio while looking at sports snacks or meals. This is typically the ratio suggested to maximize endurance performance and can help to recover muscle glycogen stores and muscle rebuilding. If you are curious to understand why, read more to find out!

Are you getting ready to run your marathon? Our Ambassador Dayna Pidhoresky is here with her 3 top tips to help you prep for the big day. Dayna Pidhoresky raced at the Tokyo 2020 Olympic with Team Canada. Se won the 2022 BMO Vancouver Marathon breaking the course record.

Mathieu a parcouru 250km à -40°C en ski pulka dans l'Oeil du Québec

Näak's Ultra Energy™ science was developed to meet the specific needs of ultra endurance Athletes. The idea is simple: the ingestion of a few macronutrients such as carbohydrates and electrolytes is not enough after a few hours of effort, you need a complete approach to perform further and longer. A BLEND OF NATURAL IN

Reid Burrows writes, runs and loves. And overall he drinks coffee!
In his article, discover our coffee-loving ambassador who will never go on an adventure without his coffee beans.

Every athlete knows how important nutrients are for both their lifestyle and training program. Protein is a key nutrient that is called a macronutrient because your body needs it in large amounts. Other macronutrients include carbohydrates and fat

In this article, we cover functions of protein in the body, the difference between complete and incomplete protein sources and the importance of complete protein for endurance athletes. 

Dayna Pidhoresky verdiende haar plek in het Olympisch team van Tokyo 2020 met een doorbraakprestatie tijdens de Toronto Waterfront Marathon 2019. Hier is de vijfde aflevering van Ultra Distance over < span>haar marathon op de Olympische Spelen in Tokio!
De JFK 50 is de oudste ultramarathon in de VS. Het vindt elk jaar plaats in Washington County, Maryland. Ontdek het ras van onze Näak-ambassadeur en atleet: Reid Burrows.

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