
Näak est votre nutrition sur le parcours de l'UTMB World Series.

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Obtenez votre plan nutrition personnalisé.

Le guide ultime pour atteindre vos objectifs d'ultra endurance.

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Le 7 novembre dernier, Adam Peterman, athlète américain, et figure montante de l’ultra-trail, a tenté le FKT du R2R2R en Arizona. 

De l'Utah à la Californie, Dakota Jones a parcouru 650 miles à vélo et couru la Western States 100 miles.

Antoine Collomb-Patton est un athlète de l'équipe de France Handisport. En tant que sourd, il explique comment il en est arrivé là.

If you are in search of that gravity-defying feeling of skiing through bottomless untracked powder you are in the right place!
Laury Grenier, student, experienced its end-of-semester academic period differently : a 10-day ski-mountaineering expedition as a final exam.

In life as in nature, the storm often strikes without warning. In February 2021, following a dumb accident, I had to rush to the hospital for double surgery on my right ankle. Six screws, a plate and a ligament reconstruction later, my young ultra-marathon career seemed to be over before it had even begun.  ...
Dayna Pidhoresky earned her spot on the Tokyo 2020 Olympic Team with a breakthrough performance at the 2019 Toronto Waterfront Marathon. Here is the 5th Episode of Ultra Distance about her marathon at the Tokyo Olympic Games !
The JFK 50 is the oldest ultra marathon in the USA. It takes place every year in Washington County, Maryland. Discover the race of our Näak ambassador and  athlete: Reid Burrows. 

What is it about running that fuels your fire to the point of incorporating it into every aspect of your life? 

Nicolas Danne, Näak athlete and Senior Technical Representative for ON Running, spoke with us about his favourite ultra and how the running community has impacted his life.

Read along to learn about the importance of finding your why in your athletic life, and running with a purpose.

Sky Running is a genre of competitive running that takes place mostly above 2000 meters or 6561 feet, where the minimum average incline is 6% over the total distance, and at least 5% has an incline of 30% or more. The climbing difficulty does not exceed UIAA grade 2.

Näak athlete Kylee Toth wrote an amazing article about her experience with high altitude sky running in Italy, and it is a mind-blowing experience to say the least. Read along with Kylee's journey to find out how her experience grinding through the mountains of Italy played out, and everything she learned from the journey.

You may know Mathieu Blanchard, and you surely can’t have missed his latest sporting prowess in which Näak get involved. By completing the

In early October (2021), Näak Ambassador Marc-Antoine Forand crossed the finish line with an amazing time of 23:22:55 to take 2nd place in the annual Bromont Ultra.

Part of Marc-Antoine's victory happened not only during the race, but also in the process of raising awareness for #runfornoah, a social media movement aimed at increasing awareness about Down syndrome.

We talked to him about his experience at Bromont Ultra, and he gave us an inside look at his mindset, nutritional strategy, and the reason why he has been pushing himself to such great heights. Enjoy!

On this year’s labour day weekend, Nicolas Dickey, one of our proud ambassadors, and 19 other notable cyclists embarked on a 285km ride from Montréal to Quebec for the 3rd edition of the Rouler Sur Le Tabou cycling event. We received the opportunity to speak to Nicolas about this incredible cause dedicated to suicide prevention.

On September 16, 2021, one of Näak’s elite ambassadors, Luca Papi, crossed the finish line for what is called to be the ‘world’s hardest endurance’. With a time of 134 hours and 10 minutes, Luca claimed victory at the Tor des Glaciers, a truly unforgettable event for ultra trail runners. Our team at Näak proudly congratulates Luca for his amazing accomplishment and asked him to share about his journey to the finish line.

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